Found Footage Horror

Runtime: 17:16

Released: 10/31/16

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Why not?

An urban explorer becomes the subject of a reality bending entity’s experiment. Pushed to his breaking point, he desperately tries to escape The Loop.

When I first started Lygophobia, I had no idea this is what it would turn into. It was originally just going to be a short Halloween video with no plot or story (I mean, I cant say much for the finished product either) but at some point I decided I wanted to make a found footage film.

If you know anything about me, you’d know that I’m obsessed with Found Footage Horror. My biggest gripe with it is that all of them play out the same way. With Lygophobia, I wanted to make a concept that (at least to my knowledge) had never been done before. Because of that I came up with The Loop. The Loop is the design of a being from another dimension used to break down a person and find out what they become when nothing around them makes sense anymore. Be it through torture, scaring, or confusion, it will take you to that point.

Now that isn’t explained in the slightest, because I mostly left it up to viewer interpretation. I loved seeing all the comments of everyone’’s take on whats going on. In many ways, this film is meant to confuse and disorientate, as if you were in The Loop yourself.

Filming and editing this was like putting together a puzzle. Because its all meant to take place over the course of 16 minutes, I needed everything to feel like one continuous take (although the static cuts are incredibly obvious). I had to make sure every scene began where the last shot ended. If I was running at the end of the scene, I need to be running in the beginning of the next one. If I’m walking, I need to be walking…You get it. That was difficult, especially when I realized what this was going to actually be and I had to then go back to certain places and redo the scene or in some situations go out specifically for a “transition” scene. A lot more went into this than most people would expect.

I do have commentary on this and if you liked this short, I’m sure you’ll find it interesting (scroll down a little bit for it). I also recommend you check out its sequel, Monophobia, which I think is far superior.

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Even though I had little involvement in this short film, this one probably had the biggest impact on me. I learned a lot through helping Nick on this project of his. I got to experience Nick go into a river with a rope tied around him and scream. I also had the wonderful opportunity to hit Nick with a baseball bat (quite honestly I didn’t like doing it at all but he kept telling me it was okay and he needed me to really hit him). This was my first real introduction to shooting a short film, and it was in such a niche genre as well.

At the end of it all, this is the thing that really made me want to work with Nick more and get more interested in the filmmaking process. I wouldn’t have gone down the same path if it wasn’t for being involved in this.



Wanna hear all of my thoughts on both Lygophobia AND Monophobia? Click right here! You can even put it on as background noise while you fall asleep! Yeah. You’re welcome.