Found Footage Horror

Runtime: 21:47

Released: 10/31/17

Starring: Daniel Fuica, Paul Fuica, and Alec Smith

Log/Rate on Letterboxd

IMDb Page

What Will You Become?

A group of urban explorers find more than what they were looking for when exploring an abandoned factory. Now caught up in something far beyond their control, they start to descend into madness.

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I like to consider Lygophobia’s final form as a test and Monophobia being the perfected execution. In many ways, Monophobia does what Lygophobia did, just better. More people, more plot, more complexity…

Monophobia is flawed, yes, but when I finally finished it it felt like I overcame such a feat. This was such a massive project for me to take on with such little experience and for it to all actually come together and work (surprisingly well) was incredible. I have so many notes from pre-production that I’d love to share and one day I’m sure I’ll come back to this and make a behind the scenes video for it.

Like I said, this was a massive project. The first one where I had to direct more than 2 people in a scene. Editing the footage was also daunting. I had to look through so many takes from 3 different cameras and piece them all together. A few different scenes are “Frankensteins” of multiple takes of the same scene meshed together, but I feel like you cant really tell unless you knew that beforehand.

I do at some point want to tie both Lygophobia and Monophobia up with a third film, but I want to take a break from Found Footage for now. As much as I love the genre, I don’t want to be knows strictly as the “Found Footage Guy”


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Monophobia was quite the experience to say the least, it was a journey mentally for everyone I think. Finding time to actually shoot, memorizing lines, and everything in between. I remember when my friend Nick and I were at some train tracks like a bunch of teenagers back in probably 2017 and talking about making Monophobia, and the fact that I was in it I wasn’t ready for. I learned a lot from it though. I learned how much you have to put into something to get what you want.

I also learned how gravity works with the simple test of throwing a 2x4 in the air and hitting Nick with it.



Wanna hear all of my thoughts on both Lygophobia AND Monophobia? Click right here! You can even put it on as background noise while you fall asleep! Yeah. You’re welcome.